My life has changed quite a bit since November, so I thought it was time for a new #introduction
- I used to teach world history, but I stopped due to pregnancy complications compounded by the cold hard realities of post-pandemic teaching.
- I do part time quality assurance for the Readwise Reader app:
- I'm a volunteer moderator for the Obsidian community & write the weekly Obsidian Roundup:
- I'm a first reader for @diabolicalplots
@eleanorkonik I left teaching Waldorf middle school just before the pandemic and was glad to dodge that bullet. My wife and I now run an in-home preschool and so things are still active with kids but not like it would be if I was in a school.
The schools will certainly miss having someone with a brain and sensibilities of your caliber but it looks as if the PKM world will benefit from what may be your increased focus and attention on this space.
Nice to see teachers leading the way!
@eleanorkonik Hope everything goes well with you now!
I'm a physician, aspiring to become a digital gardener on sciency stuff, and recently found your website.
I'm devouring your content, I sure find it very actionable and clear. Thank you for putting everything together!