I just picked up geekgamers' book on Solo Roleplaying on sale at DriveThru. Love her channel and I'm looking forward to diving in to this book. #SoloRPG https://www.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/399150/solo-game-master-s-guide-pdf
Oh, interesting, I haven't heard of it!
I recently read through "Mythic" (I am still completely new to solo rpgs, and have not played one yet).
But this book seems to contain more general tips?
Added it to my wishlist for the moment.
@duke_of_germany I only have a free 2-pager for Mythic and haven't actually used it, so I can't really answer. I do know that lots of people use it for #solorpg
SGMG is an essay on solo gaming and talks about mindsets, starting drinks, tools and story telling.
Mythic is a comprehensive tool that lesses the burden on the player by providing a small framework with threads and characters, has a phantastic oracle and tons of random tables.
if you are unsure with solo gaming is about as a whole, read the SGMG. If you want a good tools that helps you run a game that is not necessarily geared towards solo gaming, use Mythic.
place @birv2
10 Mindsets of Solo GMs
1. Everything is playing
2. But you don’t need everything
3. Don’t forget the G in RPG
4. Words, not dice rolling, will get you through narrative transitions
5. “What happens next?” is the only essential question
6. Play emotion, not mechanics
7. Stats are not story; numbers are not narrative
8. History is your friend
9. Specific items can generate abstract ideas
10. Similarities and differences yield themes
14 The Big Picture
-- From the Solo Game Master's Guide
@SaltyMonk It's a great book by the queen of #solorpg
If you're interested, Mythic has wonderful and active discord community.
If you're interested: https://discord.gg/4BdY9mxy
@mrgroknroll @duke_of_germany Thanks! I’ve never used it and it baffles me a bit
@birv2 @duke_of_germany
The community usually happily answers all questions newcomers have.
And the pulbisher Word Mill Games has a list of tutorials and actual plays.